Today we got a interview with artist OGI
1 – How did the journey with music start?
I’ve always liked music and it started with freestyle on the streets.
2 – What made you decide to get into music?
The melody of the streets.
3 – What inspires you most?
The ability to feel the beat.
4 – Who inspired you to make music?
I inspired myself.
5 – If you were not a musician what would you have been?
Criminal or death.
6- What are your suggestions for the newcomers?
Don’t do it for fame with all your heart.
7- What would be your dream collaboration?
With Eminem.
8- Have you ever gone through music writer’s block?
Life catches up with everyone and because of that I couldn’t write anything.
9- Who are your most favorite artists of all time?
Eminem, snoop dogg, dmx, 2 pac, Noizy.
10-How would you describe the music that you create?
My music is unique because I don’t copy anything, I’m creative myself.